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Products / Grading & Marination

Grading and Marination

If your poultry, fish or meat production line needs optimised throughput, Ishida grading and marinating machines deliver high-speed production. You can achieve accurate packs of poultry pieces at a class leading rate. Our systems are adaptable to different tray pack styles, Ishida grading and marination machines help you take production to new levels.

Do I need a grading or marination system?

Graders and marination systems reduce the need for manual labour. The poultry industry has achieved greater efficiency through the development of grading and marination solutions, resulting in accurately weighed poultry packs for the retail market.

High Speed Infeed
Flex Grader Arm
Flex Grader FLEX Bins

Why Ishida for Grading and Marination?

You can access advanced technology that automates the grading and marination process. Ishida grading and marinating machines save you on factory space and seamlessly integrate with our multihead weighers. You get a compact system that makes the packing of trays quicker, more accurate and far more efficient. Ishida also offers a specialist marination system integrated with our screwfeeder weigher. Our system helps you to produce perfectly marinated poultry pieces with minimal giveaway.

Robot Grader Chicken Tray Chicken Grading Machine